Telegram channels
Since Telegram has unlimited storage as well as a player included in its channels, we have taken advantage of this to create various channels including preaching, praise, worship, and others for your edification.
Our Telegram Channel
Our Telegram channel "YHWH is my salvation"
In this channel we share a diversity of content such as teaching videos, preaching, verses, chapters of the Bible in audio, and some other news or information that we consider relevant for the edification.
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Praise and Worship
Cánticos de Alabanza - Español
This is a channel of songs of praise in Spanish so that we can be edified through the praise of our Almighty God
Isaiah 12:2 Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid; For the Lord God is my strength and song, And He has become my salvation.”
Cánticos de Adoración - Español
This is a channel of worship songs in Spanish so that we can be edified through the worship of our Beloved God.
Philippians 4:18 RV60
...a fragrant aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God.
Sermons Evangelist Yiye Avila
Evangelist from Puerto Rico whom God uses to preach the gospel, heal the sick, free demons and other manifestations of glory. He also wrote several books such as "The Lord's Fast", "The Science of Prayer", among others.
Go to the channelPreachings of the Apostle Othoniel Ríos Paredes
He founded Elim ministries, which he created in a great way in Guatemala and other countries. In addition to his ministry having teachings given by the Holy Spirit, also because of this ministry the body of Christ was provided with a great deal of praise.
Go to the channelPreachings of the Apostle Norman Parish
Missionary who was in Guatemala for much of his life, in addition to founding Calvario ministries, he also ministered and taught on liberation.
Go to the channelPreachings of the Evangelist Josué Yrion
Evangelist who has carried the word of God in various countries, in addition to writing different books on the word of God and supports missionaries in different parts of the world.
Go to the channelCharles Spurgeon preachings
Preacher and writer who, due to his way of preaching, was given the name of the prince of preachers.
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