Jonas 1:1–3 E veio a palavra do SENHOR a Jonas, filho de Amitai, dizendo: Levanta-te, vai à grande cidade de Nínive e clama contra ela, porque a sua malícia subiu até mim. E Jonas se levantou para fugir de diante da face do SENHOR para Társis; e, descendo a Jope, achou um navio que ia para Társis; pagou, pois, a sua passagem e desceu para dentro dele, para ir com eles para Társis, de diante da face do SENHOR.
Jonah a prophet of God whose name means dove and whose father is the truth because Amittai means truth, that is, Jonah is a dove of the truth, being a dove synonymous with a messenger we see that Jonah was a messenger of truth, for that reason Jehovah comes to Jonah knowing that he begot him, gave him his identity and his function, born of the truth and sent to be a messenger.
A glory of humility and truth, a representative of the Holy Spirit, led to proclaim the gospel to a fearsome city like Nineveh, city that had subdued the people of God.
So when he hears this he refuses to fulfill God’s will even if that leads him to leave the presence of God that in the original Hebrew presence literally means face, the lack of forgiveness he had or take a judge position led him to invalidate an order and deny your truth messenger identity, throwing themselves into pride and abandoning humility, characteristics of their essence.
Because Jonah knew God and knew that by going to Nineveh and preaching the message, God in an act of clemency, piety and mercy, He would retract his anger and would regret if Nineveh heard the message of destruction against them because of his wickedness, Jonah to know this flees because he wants to see his enemies fall and not see a glory on them, a glory called repentance and a goodness on a people totally cruel and indifferent before the glory of a Living God.
What lets us see this is that we can know God and His truth, but the lack of forgiveness will lead us to disobey him because his love is going to be spilled on our enemy, but in us it is to see the ruin of our enemy.
When in the essence of the gospel there is forgiveness towards our enemies what is the ministry of the piety manifested by Jesus Christ by forgiving us a world that does not know how to differentiate between his left and right hand, a cruel and ruthless world, lacking in love, that God in his love, sent a messenger of truth, in its pure essence to Jesus Christ that unlike Jonah, he said:
Salmos 40:7 Então disse: Eis aqui venho; no rolo do livro está escrito de mim:
Jeová que deu a seu filho Jesus Cristo para perdoar todos os pecados de um mundo cruel, e não só isso, mas para mudar a natureza de todo aquele que acredita na mensagem da salvação dando-lhe uma nacionalidade, uma nova vida, uma paternidade e saborear as bondades do amor de Deus e o conhecimento da sua mão direita.
Amados irmãos, busquemos o perdão para os nossos inimigos para não fugir do chamado de Deus, mas poder apregoar o evangelho como Jesus Cristo e assim trazer mais filhos para a sua glória.
João 3:16 Porque Deus amou o mundo de tal maneira que deu o seu Filho unigênito, para que todo aquele que nele crê não pereça, mas tenha a vida eterna.